Please describe Kevin's problems that you want to address with this evaluation; specifically describe what you and those close to Kevin have noticed. Please write as much as you need to explain your concerns.
My son Kevin is having hard time understanding what the teacher says in class and does not remember the things I tell him to do. He also does not seem to understand what he reads. Sometimes he has to read something many times and he still doesn't get the main idea. He also gets distracted easily and cannot sit on his chair for more than few minutes. His grades keep getting worse.
I have also noticed that on some days he cannot sleep well, gets frustrated easily with anything his sister does, and I suspect he is using drugs. My husband has noticed different changes over the past few months: he locks himself in his bedroom and does not want to come out, plays video games the entire night and the following morning it's hard for him to get off the bed to go to school. He always waits the last minute to do his homework.
We have caught Kevin walking around in the house while still asleep. Often we notice he is talking like he is debating with people who are not there. I have also noticed that he has a hard time planning his day, and his homework sometimes looks like a salad of words.
He has very few friends and says he does not need any.
I want to know if my son is ok, if he has ADHD, or any kind of learning disability. I want to know what to do to help him.
In this paragraph Kevin's mother describes her concerns about her son, and how they are affecting Kevin's life at home, in school and in social contexts.
In your opinion Toshika, when did Kevin's problem start?
We noticed some delays with language when Kevin was about 2 years old, he then started to talk but it has always been slow. When Kevin was 8 years old and still in grade school he could not read without skipping letters of misreading words. I remember he was having problems learning to read and pronounce words, and that he could not even read 1 page without getting distracted by something. His teacher told us that Kevin could not hold his pen properly and that on different occasions he was disturbing the class. When he was 9 we noticed he could not discriminate between the shapes of some pictures and that he was having difficulty with colors.
In this paragraph Kevin's mother describes when the issues started, which cognitive domain is involved and how much it impacts his daily life.
What have you done so far to deal with this issue?
On February of this year our primary care physician has put Kevin on medication for ADHD and has prescribed some multivitamins to help him with sleep and help with his memory. He wants him to be tested by a psychologist to check what is the underlying issue. Kevin is also in therapy and sees the therapist once every two weeks.
I try to help him with his homework but things are not improving. The medication does seem to work and we have tried to schedule another appointment with the physician but he wants to see the results of the tests before we schedule any follow up appointment with him.
In this paragraph Kevin's mother describes what she has done so far and how effective it has been.