Order Number Today's date: * Best number to reach you: Email Address: * Title: * Choose One Mr. Ms. Mrs. First Name: * Last Name: * Date of birth: * Address: * City: * State: * Zip Code: * Are you legally eligible to work in the US? * Yes No Are you a veteran? * Yes No Available start date * Are you licensed in the State of California * Yes No If selected for employment, are you willing to undergo background check? * Yes No Position you are applying for * Licensed Psychiatrist Primary Care physician Nurse Practitioner - Family Nurse Practitioner - Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner - Intern/Student Licensed Psychologist Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - Individual psychotherapy Registered Psychological Assistant Licensed Clinical Social Worker Assistant office manager Biller IT Tech support/Web support Location * All sites - California (on-line only) Los Angeles - California (in-person, starting 06/01/2021) Huntington Beach - California (in-person, starting 06/01/2021) San Bernardino - California (in-person, starting 06/01/2021) Your weekly availability * Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Any week-day Week-ends only Any day of the week Daily availability * Early morning (7 am - 9am) Mornings (9am - 12pm) Afternoons (12pm - 5pm) Evenings (6pm - 9:30pm) Saturday (9am - 2pm) Saturday (3pm - 8pm) Sunday (9am - 2pm) Sunday (2pm - 8pm) Week-ends, anytime Week-day, anytime Any time Employment type Full-time (35+ hs/week) Part-time (25hs/week) Is there anything else you would like to add?